Intimate Solutions is a broad term we use to
describe our work of helping couples work toward and ultimately achieve “Oneness.”
Methods and therapies for Intimate Solutions are integrated into the counseling and therapy we provide for individuals and couples who are undergoing Couples Sexual Recovery,
Compulsion Recovery, Partner Recovery,
as well as Couples Therapy & Counseling.
“I’m not the one who betrayed and broke
our covenant. I’m not the one who screwed
up and broke promises. Why should I have to
be in recovery?”
Why? Because YOU are worth it! You are worth recovering. Much of who you are, were, and all that you hoped and dreamed for may feel lost, damaged or destroyed. All of this is worth recovering and restoring.
Allow a place in your heart for this idea to be planted. God made you an amazing person with vast potential and you may not feel that way lately. It’s time to reclaim that sense of worth that belongs to you.
As the partner of a person with a sexual compulsion or Intimacy Anorexia, to feel imposed upon by the recovery process is
understandable and something you will need to work through in order to heal. Whether you are just now discovering the problem or you’ve been aware of it for years or decades – with or without a name for it – you are likely to be experiencing a whole host of feelings, including sorrow, anger, despair, pride, fear, abandoned, isolated.
New Clients
We are now accepting new clients for Private Therapy Services.
Call or click below.
For people considering private counseling or undergoing counseling, we recommend attending The Art and Science of Love,
a couples workshop created by world-renown The Gottman Institute.
Why The Workshop?
Introduces both
partners to concepts and terms that will be used
in private sessions.
Helps maintain and continue the progress made in counseling.
Assists in healing and recovery for partners in private therapy.
Is less expensive than couples therapy.
Requires less time
commitment than
couples therapy.