Upcoming Recovery After Betrayal Seminar | Online

Upcoming Recovery After Betrayal Seminar | Online

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Recovery After Betrayal Seminar | October 12show details + $200.00 USD  

  • Recovery After Betrayal Seminar | October 12
     October 12, 2024
     9:00 am - 4:00 pm

    Psychoeducational 1-day Group Seminar

    This event was developed through significant research by Dr. Douglas Weiss and Dr. Kevin Skinner, who are both experts on sexually compulsive behavior, infidelity, and trauma from sexual betrayal. Their methods have helped thousands of women and men on their path to healing.

Seminar Details


Psychoeducational 1-day Group Seminars


Attend as an individual (the betrayed or the betrayer) or with your partner.

Cost per Person



“Course content is appropriate, challenging, and encouraging. Very valuable and well worth the time. Thank you for such an important service.”
“Kara has helped me navigate the complexities of Betrayal Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder."
“Kara's approach has given me the tools I need to survive and thrive on my journey to recovery and to live my best life! Thank you, Kara!”
“The Course is spot on."

100% of participants surveyed indicated they would recommend the Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group event.

Why Attend a Group Seminar?

Gain Confidence & Hope
Gain skills to cope with changes and increase your self-confidence. A new life awaits you.
Life Purpose & Meaning
Resolve underlying issues, set goals, stay focused and take hold of your life.
Identify Strengths
Explore your potential, identify your strengths and get ready for a beautiful life.
Kara Facundo, LPC
Your Presenter

Kara Facundo, LPC


After the final deadline, contact kara@principleskills.com to inquire if seats are available.

Have a promo code? Choose your ticket and register. Enter and submit promo code on the payment page.

On the payment page, choose “PayPal.” Then, you will have the option of paying with PayPal or with a credit card.