Training Workshop for Therapists and Counselors

One of the more common complaints I hear among my couples, particularly those with sexual desire differences, is a lack of romance. What is romance? Why is it so important?


Level 1 Gottman Training
By Caralee Frederic, LCSW | Certified Gottman Therapist | Couples Workshop Presenter

I will be a co-presenter at a two-day training workshop in Portland for therapists and counselors who provide private treatment sessions for couples.

The workshop, created by The Gottman Institute, is hosted and presented by my colleague Dr. Jack R. Crossen. Details are below.

GOTTMAN METHOD THERAPY: LEVEL ONE – BRIDGING THE COUPLE’S CHASM March 7-8, 2017 (Tuesday-Wednesday) 8:30 am – 5 pm

“Bridging the Couple’s Chasm”

Gottman Method Therapy: Level One

Course Description: When couples enter the therapy office, they feel frustrated, lonely, distressed. They look to the clinician to help them with chronic conflicts and hope to rebuild burned bridges. Based on Dr. John Gottman’s 35 years of research with over 3,000 couples, this workshop introduces a practical and highly effective approach to guiding couples across the chasm that divides them and to restoring emotional connection. This evidence-based model guides couples in managing their conflicts, deepening their friendship and intimacy, and sharing their life purpose and dreams. This approach has been applied by clinicians in various disciplines. Research supports its effectiveness with couples of diverse ages, ethnic backgrounds and sexual orientations.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes: In this clinically oriented and evidence-based two-day workshop, participants will learn:

• New assessments and effective interventions to help understand couples’ struggles

• Research-based strategies and tools to help couples successfully manage conflict

• Skills that empower couples to dialogue about their worst gridlocked issues by uncovering their underlying dreams, history, and values

• Methods to help couples process their fights and heal their hurts

• Techniques for couples to deepen their intimacy and minimize relapse

Participants will receive a 300-page clinical manual featuring new relationship assessment questionnaires and clinical interventions designed to help couples break the cycle of criticism, defensiveness, contempt and stonewalling. The manual guides clinical application of Gottman Method Couples Therapy to help couples strengthen:

• The Friendship System – the foundation for intimacy, passion, and good sex

• The Conflict System – the basis for helping couples identify and address solvable problems, and understand and manage irresolvable differences

• The Shared Meaning System – the existential foundation of the relationship that helps couples discover their shared purpose for building a life together

Workshop Presenters:

• Dr. Crossen is a Master Trainer in Gottman Method who has practiced in Oregon since 1986 as a Therapy licensed psychologist. He has trained post-doctoral psychologists, taught graduate students, published research, and provided a range of clinical services. He has been a Certified Gottman Therapist since 2008 and has assisted Drs. John and Julie Gottman at multiple couples’ workshops. Spare-time passions are playing tennis (especially singles and mixed-double) and reading historical mysteries.

Caralee Frederic is a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW), Certified Gottman therapist (CGT) and Certified Sexual Addiction Recovery Therapist (SRT).  She has been using the Gottman method with couples since 2003, and was the first to bring the “Art and Science of Love” Gottman couples’ workshop to Colorado.  She has a part- time private practice where she works primarily with couples, and spends the rest of her time busily tending to her own marriage of 21 years and raising 3 boys. In her “spare” time, she loves hiking, kayaking, rafting, yoga and spending time with family and friends.

Workshop Cost:

• $375 Level One registration before February 10

• $400 Level One registration after February 10

• $1,100 Combination Level One and Level Two before February 10

• $1,150 Combination Level One and Level Two after February 10

Learn More:

Level 1 Clinical Training, Gottman Method Couples Therapy

Contact: or phone 503-220-1332 for PayPal registration link and information about location and accommodations. CE’s available. (Enrollment is limited to first 20 professionals.)