Category: Couples On The Brink Counseling

Colorado couples retreat

Stop Going through the Drive-Through? Cook Your Own Food!

By Kara Facundo LPC Are you like many couples who spend hours in the therapist’s office learning the mechanics of new skills only to realize they can’t recreate it when they get home? It’s like going to the drive-through every night and expecting that you’ll

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Covid-19 divorce

Coronavirus Divorce: Relationship was Badly in Need of Repair

By Caralee Frederic LCSW One Partner ‘Leaning Out’ A new survey released last month shows the Covid-19 pandemic has, as predicted, increased the demand for divorce. About 45% said the main reason for the divorce was the “enforced isolation” with the spouse. Tension in the home,

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Couples On The Brink Counseling

Discernment Quiz

Is Divorce The Answer? Couples On The Brink Counseling If you are: 1) Considering divorce 2) Considering marriage therapy 3) Wondering what type of counseling is right for you 4) Wanting to save your marriage but your partner does not One question to ask yourself:

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