Quickly Get Out of the Storm with a Couples Intensive

Couples intensive Therapy
By Kara Facundo
Wouldn’t it be helpful if relationships had something in place like an emergency broadcasting system? Something that sent out a loud siren alerting us to surrounding danger? You and your partner could immediately stop what you were doing and focus on what to do next to find safety. 

At times, you and your partner might find yourself feeling ill-prepared, like being caught in the path of a tornado with a million little pieces of relational debris circling, unpredictable, and threatening. You may not have weeks or months to deal with the disaster. In weather and relationships alike, there is no time to wait when storms are gathering force. Catastrophe is best avoided by immediate action. This is not a drill!

 A Couples Intensive may be just the shelter you need to protect your relationship and get you out of the storm quickly. We’ll recognize the warnings, assess specific tools needed for your individualized emergency plan, and take swift action through a 2 or 3-day period of Couple’s Intensive work. You’ll learn to listen for the siren and heed its warning. 

Call today for weekday or weekend availability.