Tag: improve marriage

Colorado couples retreat

Why Does Love Hurt?

Because Love Matters By Caralee Frederic, LCSW “Why does love hurt?” It’s a question that gives me pause every time, because my knee jerk reaction is to say defensively “It doesn’t” or “It shouldn’t.”Love should feel great! And a lot of the time, it does.

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A Proper and Meaningful Way to Say ‘I’M SORRY’

A PROPER AND MEANINGFUL WAY TO SAY ‘I’M SORRY’ Successful Couples Master the Art of Apology By Caralee Frederic, LCSW | Certified Gottman Therapist | Couples Workshop Presenter The way you apologize after hurting your loved one determines whether healing will occur or hurtful feelings

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Christmas gift ideas

5 Gifts Ideas for Holiday Romance

By Caralee Frederic, LCSW | Certified Gottman Therapist | Couples Workshop Presenter One of the more common complaints I hear among my couples, particularly those with sexual desire differences, is a lack of romance. What is romance? Why is it so important? Enjoying Rituals and

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couples therapy

What Unhappy and Happy Couples Teach Us

Elevate Your Love By Learning New Behaviors “If only I had known …. .” That is often the sentiment of divorced couples or couples in distressed relationships. As a marriage therapist and counselor for nearly 20 years, I’ve talked with couples who expressed how they

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couples retreat

What Criticism Means and Does to Relationships

A criticism may sound like this: “You never want to do anything with me or join me in things that I enjoy doing. You’re just inconsiderate and selfish.” Criticism attacks the character of the person, and it can aggressively spiral downward into larger, more difficult-to-repair

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Gottman couples workshop


By Caralee Frederic, LCSW | Certified Gottman Therapist | Couples Workshop Presenter One of the more common complaints I hear among my couples, particularly those with sexual desire differences, is a lack of romance. What is romance? Why is it so important? 3 Couples’ Stories

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Gottman couples workshop

ATTUNE: Infuse Your Home With Love (Part 4 of 5)

By Caralee Frederic, LCSW | Certified Gottman Therapist | Couples Workshop Presenter ATTUNE: INFUSE YOUR HOME WITH LOVE (PART 4 OF 5) What happens when human connection is lost? When we become overly concerned with virtual connections? How do we fight back against obsessive technology-use

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Gottman couples workshop

Technology and Fake Love (Part 3 of 5)

Goal to Help Children Led to Specializing in Couples Therapy By Caralee Frederic, LCSW | Certified Gottman Therapist | Couples Workshop Presenter What happens when human connection is lost? When we become overly concerned with virtual connections? How do we fight back against obsessive technology-use

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