Tag: couples-workshop

couples therapy

What is Sexual Compulsion?

By Caralee Frederic, LCSW | Certified Gottman Therapist | Couples Workshop Presenter Can People Be Addicted to Sex? Because sex is intended to be a good, healthy, bonding experience within a marriage, it is sometimes difficult to conceive how it could be twisted into something

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couples therapy

Why Do People Become Addicted To Sex?

By Caralee Frederic, LCSW | Certified Gottman Therapist | Couples Workshop Presenter Biological, Psychological, or Spiritual? This is different for every addict but generally speaking, there are biological, psychological, and spiritual reasons. The following is a brief explanation, again adapted from Dr. Weiss’ work: Biological:

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couples therapy

What is Intimacy Anorexia?

By Caralee Frederic, LCSW | Certified Gottman Therapist | Couples Workshop Presenter Intimacy anorexia is a paradigm developed by sex therapist and author Dr. Douglas Weiss and is used to describe a behavioral withholding addiction that mostly manifests in marriage. Intimacy anorexia is gender neutral,

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couples therapy

How Do I Know If I’m a Sex Addict?

By Caralee Frederic, LCSW | Certified Gottman Therapist | Couples Workshop Presenter Below are some questions developed by Dr. Doug Weiss to help you determine if you or your partner may be a sex addict: Do you have sexual behaviors you wish you could stop

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Couples Therapy: Myths vs. Facts

By Caralee Frederic, LCSW | Certified Gottman Therapist | Couples Workshop Presenter Sometimes, couples who seek therapy are facing difficulties that are especially challenging, and they may even be on the brink of divorce. Other times, couples simply come to fine-tune an already solid relationship.

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couples therapy

Common Questions About Sexual Addiction

What’s the difference between sex addiction and a high sex drive? Sexual libido exists on a spectrum of what is considered “normal” and healthy, and as you can imagine, is different for each person. Someone with a high sex drive is satisfied with sex and

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Predicting Divorce with 94% Accuracy

By Caralee Frederic, LCSW | Certified Gottman Therapist | Couples Workshop Presenter “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” The Gottman Institute’s Family Research Laboratory, aka the “Love Lab,” completed six studies of couples that began with a hypothesis about factors leading to divorce. Based on

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