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What Happens in Group Stays in Group…Kinda.

Are group therapy sessions are worth it? Won’t it be awkward to talk about my personal stuff in front of other people? It makes sense to be nervous. Learn more about what group therapy looks like, so you can decide if it feels right for you.

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NAH, I KNOW THAT ALREADY: Couples Workshop Review, part 2

NAH, I KNOW THAT ALREADY: Couples Workshop Review, part 2 By Caralee Frederic, LCSW | Certified Gottman Therapist | Couples Workshop Presenter A therapist attends The Art and Science of Love, a couple workshop, with her husband. Did she learn anything new and helpful? The

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ENTRENCHED: Couples Workshop Reviews, part 1

By Caralee Frederic, LCSW | Certified Gottman Therapist | Couples Workshop Presenter ENTRENCHED: Couples Workshop Reviews, part 1 What happens when you’re entrenched in your position during a conflict? A husband and wife talk candidly about the tools they gained from Caralee Frederic’s weekend workshop,

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A word about my biases…Every once in awhile, it comes to my attention that I ought to clarify for clients my biases. Usually, this happens after someone in a couple has indicated that they thought I would be “neutral” or “unbiased” as I worked with

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A Relaxed Body Can Strengthen Relationships

A Relaxed Body Can Strengthen Relationships “A relaxed body creates secure attachment.” That is my favorite quote from a two-day trauma training I just attended with Dr. J. Eric Gentry, an internationally recognized leader in the field of disaster and clinical traumatology. Think about how

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Divorce: I Know What It’s Like

Divorce: I Know What It’s Like At times, I learn of the impending trauma of a divorce, due to betrayals, affairs, or addictions, which will devastate a family I know and love personally. People will be shocked. They will not have seen it coming. There

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Myths and Truths About Love

Myths and Truths About Love By Caralee Frederic, LCSW Everyone has advice when it come to love. But studies have shown that much popular advice — such as “don’t to go to bed angry” — may be detrimental to a long, happy relationship. That’s why

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10 Things To Know About Gottman

10 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT GOTTMAN 1. RESEARCH PIONEER In the 1970s, John Gottman and Robert Levenson were part of a pioneering group of researchers who applied the scientific method to identify behavior patterns of couples in healthy, successful relationships. 2. OUTSIDE-THE-BOX THINKER Before Dr.

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FINDING ‘8-COW MOMENTS’ ‘Johnny Lingo’ Lesson Correlates with Studies on Love Do Your Memories Make You Feel Cherished? By Caralee Frederic, LCSW | Certified Gottman Therapist | Couples Workshop Presenter My neighbor “Alexander” was smitten by his wife “Valeria” the first time they met. She

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Why I Became a Gottman Couples Therapist

Goal to Help Children Led to Specializing in Couples Therapy By Caralee Frederic, LCSW | Certified Gottman Therapist | Couples Workshop Presenter I initially pursued a career in psychology and social work because I wanted to help children who were hurting, but quickly found that

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My Journey to Becoming a Gottman Couples Therapist

MY JOURNEY TO BECOMING A GOTTMAN COUPLES THERAPIST Helping Children Was My Priority One of my core values is that every child has a right to feel safe and receive loving care from those they depend upon. The thought of a child being hurt, scared

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Recognize and Counter 3 Types of Harmful Betrayals

One of the more common complaints I hear among my couples, particularly those with sexual desire differences, is a lack of romance. What is romance? Why is it so important? RECOGNIZE AND COUNTER 3 TYPES OF HARMFUL BETRAYALS By Caralee Frederic, LCSW | Certified Gottman

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Stress of Police Work on Marriage

STRESS OF POLICE WORK ON MARRIAGE Protect Your Marriage Like You Protect Your Community | Proper Training Counters the Strain of Police Work on Marriage By Caralee Frederic, LCSW | Certified Gottman Therapist | Couples Workshop Presenter PROTECT YOUR MARRIAGE LIKE YOU PROTECT YOUR COMMUNITY

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‘DEFENSIVENESS’ is Offensive

‘DEFENSIVENESS’ IS OFFENSIVE Goal to Help Children Led to Specializing in Couples Therapy By Caralee Frederic, LCSW | Certified Gottman Therapist | Couples Workshop Presenter Defensiveness is one of the “4 Horsemen” that are predictors of relationship dissolution, according to marriage expert Dr. John Gottman.

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Training Workshop for Therapists and Counselors

One of the more common complaints I hear among my couples, particularly those with sexual desire differences, is a lack of romance. What is romance? Why is it so important? TRAINING WORKSHOP FOR THERAPISTS AND COUNSELORS Level 1 Gottman Training By Caralee Frederic, LCSW |

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