Category: Featured Blogs

Couples retreats

10 Things To Know About Gottman

10 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT GOTTMAN 1. RESEARCH PIONEER In the 1970s, John Gottman and Robert Levenson were part of a pioneering group of researchers who applied the scientific method to identify behavior patterns of couples in healthy, successful relationships. 2. OUTSIDE-THE-BOX THINKER Before Dr.

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couples retreat

What Criticism Means and Does to Relationships

A criticism may sound like this: “You never want to do anything with me or join me in things that I enjoy doing. You’re just inconsiderate and selfish.” Criticism attacks the character of the person, and it can aggressively spiral downward into larger, more difficult-to-repair

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Gottman couples workshop

If I Could Pinpoint One Thing That Breaks Up a Good Relationship

By Caralee Frederic, LCSW | Certified Gottman Therapist | Couples Workshop Presenter The Disintegration of a Relationship is Increasingly Traced to One Thing: Failed Bids. Through my work as a couples therapist and counselor, I’ve talked with hundreds of couples in unhappy relationships and I

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couples therapy

What is Sexual Compulsion?

By Caralee Frederic, LCSW | Certified Gottman Therapist | Couples Workshop Presenter Can People Be Addicted to Sex? Because sex is intended to be a good, healthy, bonding experience within a marriage, it is sometimes difficult to conceive how it could be twisted into something

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