Category: Specialties

Relational Sex vs. Recreational Sex

By Amanda Linan LCSW, CST There is a big difference between relational sex and recreational sex. While both can be ok depending on your circumstances, recreational sex happening too often in a romantic relationship can be a sign of bigger issues.Recreational sex is sex that

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Amanda Linan

Navigating Financial Conversations

By Amanda Linan LCSW, CST As inflation continues to rise and holidays approach, many couples are feeling the stress of finances in their relationship. Money is a difficult topic for many couples in the best of circumstances, so adding additional stressors can make it feel

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Trauma is a Landmine

By Amanda Linan LCSW, CST When working with couples, I often find myself trying to explain the importance of doing some sort of trauma work when there is trauma present for one or both individuals. Trauma is like a landmine. Imagine this: You buy a

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The Unseen Wounds of Betrayal Trauma

By Kara Facundo LPC These days, the word “trauma” has become commonplace, often describing any number of minor discomforts. As a result, the notion of being traumatized by a partner’s betrayal might seem like an exaggeration, minimizing the validity of this life altering reality for

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Betrayal Trauma: Why Can’t I Get Over This?

By Rob Jensen FNP-C Have you ever heard of Pavlov’s Dogs? Ivan Pavlov was a Russian practicing in the late 1800’s. He conducted an experiment where he taught dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell. That experiment led to an expansive understanding of

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Colorado marriage retreat

4 Ways To Bring Back Intimacy

Improving Intimacy. One of the services we provide is Intimate Solution counseling. This approach is weaved into our overall work with couples and individuals, especially for those who suffer from intimacy anorexia and their partners. What is Intimacy Anorexia? Intimacy anorexia, as defined by sex

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Sex Therapy

What is Sex Therapy?

Sex Issues I often get asked what sex therapy means. It’s a fair question as it’s sort of vague. In a sense, it is exactly what it sounds like: therapy about sex. Here are the most common topics that fall under the umbrella of sex

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intimate solutions

Sexual Addict Partner Recovery

PARTNERS OF ADDICTS: WHY RECOVERY IS NEEDED Many partners of addicts ask: “I’m not the one who betrayed and broke our covenant. I’m not the one who screwed up and broke promises. Why should I have to be in recovery?” Why? Because YOU are worth

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5 commandments of therapy

Sexual Addict Individual Recovery

At times, it is wise for the addict and spouse to participate in individual therapy. This could be to address individually the struggles of the current situation and to explore thoughts and feelings that could be hurtful to share with the partner.In individual therapy, the

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